December 31, 2018

Picasso Meets Sewing Machine Artists - Fanø 2018 has an article about our Fanø Kitemakers Workshop.
"...Meanwhile, the men tried the sewing machines. Eli and Shula Shavit from Israel taught the "Tessellating Pinwheels Ohashi Sail Design" in their workshop as part of the Fanø Kitemakers. That sounds complicated and it is - until you know how it works. 17 participants participated in the workshop at the Fanø school, where six kites were completed at the workshop and the remaining kites completed at home."

More photos from the workshop can be seen here.

December 30, 2018

Thing 1 and Thing 2 - 2018

Flying Saucers - diameter is ~ 1.9 m

The kites are inspired by Jim Rawlands'  FLYING SAUCER kite 
which is based on a design by Jacques Zanni published in Le Lucane

December 29, 2018

Interview - 2018

Our interview with Ralf Dietrich from